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What's the Meaning

of your

Life is very meaningful, clearly. Alas this meaning is elusive -- admittedly.

 Ignorance and inertia run my life unless I live driven to understand the meaning life offers me

And therefore:

The Meaning of Life for me is simply to
Find the Meaning of My Life!

Because otherwise I go on living driven and motivated by
a substitute idea for
Why Live

I want the real thing.
That is Religion21 in a Nutshell
click here for more
Having Identified a clear "Meaning of Life" I moved to plan my own life ahead accordingly, and to lay down my finding for others to consider.
Individually I face the challenge to fit this 'lofty aim' with my day to day life, and I report here how I struggle with this challenge.
As for my societal engagement I have several initiatives designed to explain my thinking, to let it be considered by others.

Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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