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Creativity is the Spark that Lights the Innovation Fire


Creativity involves divorce from the familiar, the convenient, the routine, the well-understood; venturing into the untried, unclear, alarming and ill-understood.


Creativity requires will, daring, risk, Creativity only rises from the subconscious if consciousness opens its door.  


Creativity responds to attitude,  attitude forms in response to one's view of life.


If life bears the mystery of the unknown then it offers the faith that what I know not today, is an innovative step removed from what I will discover tomorrow.


Humility on the know, curiosity towards the know-not
is how creativity becomes a fountain





Gideon Samid
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Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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