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Why Care About The Meaning of Life?!



You can keep driving your car on the road you are on, without knowing what exactly to expect. It is especially easy to do so while you are in traffic with others using the same road. But come to think about it, you wish to see a map of the area: roads and locations so you can drive your car  to better places.


What is true for your vehicle is more true for your life. Yes, inertia will pull you through but your life has the power to serve you much better. You just need to get the map of where you are: roads, possibilities, destinations.


So if someone asks you "Where are you going?"


You answer: "I am going to get me a map that will let me decide where I should be going."


The Meaning Life Holds for you is charted in your life roadmap -- get the map! 


Until you get it, to get it is your goal, use your vehicle of life to go to where you can pick this map!


This simple idea:  
to get a driving map for your life's journey
is what Religion21 is all about.  



Ahead please find


assorted essays




that together take you a few steps deeper into this marvelous mental and psychological construction called Religion21.




Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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