My Story
My early on focus on searching for what meaning life offers me, shaped me to be a determined natural scientist focusing on principled knowledge, and less on missing details. The drive to learn something I did not even know is there to be known, was the story of my youth and it continued through maturity. Drawn thereby to innovation as the most rewarding effort. This drive guided my career to pioneer a new field of science: "innovation science": the generic scientific aspects of the extensive process of innovation: how to be efficient in learning the new, in reaching the beyond, in finding well hidden answers.
Innovation Science became the topic of my PhD dissertation at the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, and it evolved ever since. I am very happy to help my clients to be more productive in their innovation projects. I teach innovators around the globe, and I manage the innovation load for BitMint. I am busy innovating right and left, having been granted more than 40 US patents, and counseling innovators to secure their own IP and build their innovative solutions to problems of great impact on society.
​This innovation drive has inspired me to be quite productive on my main theme to discover the meaning of life. I am close to publish my findings and share them with the curious.
My innovation involvement also has taught me that social enigmas are so ready for hard core innovation, and I dedicate from my time to advance this approach.
Migrating to Cyber Space we need to innovate our life in our new abode. I am paying attention to cyber freedom, and cyber money. Cyberspace offers us new liberties but it stole our privacy, which destroys much of the gained liberties. Human survival depends, I believe, on taking into account the innovative ideas of all of us, but in order to be innovative we need to feel free. Free to learn, to experiment, to go places which are tenuous and may be found out to be wrong turns. Only privacy will guarantee such survival freedom. Thereby I am motivated to ensure that much as cyber technology stole our privacy, it will much the same be used to restore it.
Money -- Godlike for some, maligned by others -- it is arguably the most important of human inventions because it enables the division of labor which in turn allows different people to make different contributions to society and so advance it. Money is the most effective non violent method to get people to doing things for the sake of society at large -- on an sustainable basis. Money flow is the blood flow of society. Digital money technology gives us unprecedented possibilities to handle our society very effectively. I am so committed.
Artificial intelligence is an innovation tsunami out of control. I am committed to use my innovation expertise to help guide AI for its promise and suppress AI for its threat.
I belong to a people I draw strength from. My people, the Jews, are under a wide-spread attack that brings to the fore the most horrible human destruction event in history: the Nazi Holocaust. I do my share to remind the world of what happened to six million Jews in Europe, and how the remnants of this persecuted people are rebuilding their proud ancient legacy of being people of curiosity, people who explore, people who challenge, people whose religion was the first to admit unbound ignorance (The Second Commandment, the Jewish Bible).