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​The following books tell the story of Religion21 in both a straight forward fashion and in an artistic, literary fashion. 

A cohesive collection of variouos aspects of the fundamental admission of unbound ignorance.  The solidity of this premise makes it a stable cornerstone for construction of life.

A collection of short stories about an unsettled young man as he meets the ups and downs of life while asking himself what is it all about. 

Samuel Soul believes that sexual intimacy is the way to penetrate the mystery of life.   Encountering women he is attracted to makes him hopeful but it is not really happening.  Samuel's wife becomes impatient with his search and leaves.  Later in life  Samuel finds a woman with whom he establishes a deep sense of intimacy and togetherness, and with it Samuel  comes to see, realize and understand the deep secrets of life which eluded him in years past. 

ספר שירים על תהיה, משפחה ותפילה. המשורר עתיר שנים תוהה על מהות החיים, נאחז במשפחתו ומתפלל אל מי שיצר את הסביבה בה הוא חלף ועבר ועוד מעט זה נגמר

Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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