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Gideon (Gid'don) Samid

As the creator and the inspiration for Samuel Soul, my real parameters serve as a background to understanding my fictional character. ​


I am a very fortunate man. Especially so when I think of my uncles, aunt and grandparents lost in the Holocaust; when I think of fallen comrades, and other misfortunes around. I am thoroughly grateful, stubbornly hopeful, reaping the benefits and tranquility of a lifelong pursuit of the ultimate questions -- and the answers that presented themselves. And as normal, I am not without issues I agonize over, having my share of regrets, mistakes, and wrong turns. As of the moment of writing these words, I am still kicking, trying and trying again. The future is where my fears originate, and where my hopes have their roots. Looking forward. 


My day job is science, engineering, technology. My educational background (B.Sc., MSc., PhD -- Technion, Israel Institute of Technology) is in chemical engineering, nuclear engineering, and computer science. My work history is very checkered.  Working in the industry I found myself facing a large variety of innovation challenges. Over the years I crystalized a pioneering vision: to codify a generic innovation science: tools, methodologies and protocols to be applied to any innovation project regardless of the nature of the innovation challenge that is being tackled. It follows the James McKinsey template who codified generic management science early in the last century. This vision sent me back to school where under the wise guidance of Professor Ephraim Kehat, I wrote my PhD dissertation bringing this abstract vision down to its first embodiment.  I have developed the generic innovation science ever since. Today it stands to be powered up by the emerging AI technology. I help my clients to be more efficient in their innovation work. For reference visit: ( 


Like so many other young professionals I was attracted to the United States as the bastion of individual freedom which unleashed unmatched innovation energy that transformed life on earth. One aspect of this big transformation is the global migration to cyber space. Benefits galore, but dangers -- even more. Individual privacy is being lost. Without privacy there is no dignity, no freedom, no innovation, no tools to face the challenges of the future. This state of affairs motivated me to apply the generic innovation science tools to restore privacy, dignity, freedom and innovation. It led to insight pertaining to cryptography: pivoting from the current trend where encryption is based on complexity and obscurity, towards an alternative route: randomness and simplicity. As the Chief Technology Officer for BitMint I developed ciphers and methodologies to effectively equip ordinary people with easy-to-use cyber privacy tools, designed to withstand invasive attacks even if originating from much more powerful, and much smarter privacy violators; cyber dignity for everyone. These tools obviously claim utility beyond individual privacy. For reference see: 


As a young avid reader I encountered a book, its title long forgotten, that said that money is the greatest human invention. I recall how strange it sounded. I thought rockets, cars, medicines are contenders for the title of the greatest human invention, not money! But the book explained that money is a curious abstract human construct; it is not part of nature, yet it allowed people to break loose from the shackles of barter. Owing to money society could establish division of labor. Expertise in different aspects of survival were enabled with the advent of money, and ultimately all the shining inventions that transform our life today owe a debt of gratitude to the early invention of money. It clicked and it has fascinated me ever since. It was only natural that I would apply the newly developed generic innovation science to advancing this foundational human invention. This quest was catapulted to prominence with the appearance of Bitcoin on the scene. Bitcoin’s innovative principle is the public ledger.  Applying the tools of the generic innovation science we at BitMint elevated the innovative Bitcoin ledger into a digital coin  solution that overcomes the unacceptable weaknesses of  Bitcoin. We are now offering a powerful new vision for money for the 21st century. See details in 


My early life path created a philosophical drive deep into my sense of self. It claimed an enormous amount of time and attention, without showing any progress for a long time. But eventually something moved, and I am busy nailing it down in story and word. Samuel Soul, my fictional character, is so helpful in that regard. I hope you will agree. On the side, you can check;


My wife left after twenty seven years of life together. Today, and for many years now, I live with my intimate partner who empowers me to negotiate the barriers ahead, and otherwise to fly over and above the hurdles that rise before me. I owe her my daily smile. I am the beneficiary of the boundless love of my brother. I enjoy paternal delight - the joy and love of children and grandchildren staking their claim on the future. I ask Samuel Soul to help me tell my personal story without violating my privacy. 


Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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