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What People Say about the Samual Soul Saga


One can say that this book is written in the style of Earnest Hemingway


Stephen Harvith, Ph.D.



This is an amazing novel full of interest and surprises - it will keep you uptight till the last sentence. Imagination, drama and a lot of action - the best receipt for an interesting reading. Highly recommended!

Dr. Joseph Kramer,  Founder, Kramer Electronics


“The Cipher Who Came in from the Cold” creates a genre of its own as a cryptographic spy novel with vivid characters and context. You’re captivated by the story because it elegantly illuminates the very real world implications of current technology and near future technology.


Dr. Jamar Montgomery, Esq.  US Senatorial Candidate



Gideon's “The Cipher Who Came In From The Cold" was intriguing from the first page. Hard to believe that he could file the plot with such a realistic insight of NSA operations and management without having been part of that system himself. Yet this story does not "leak" it is rather created according to Ken Follet's pattern of "It could have been exactly like this". . And still the actors remain very normal humans which develop a thriller that keeps the tension up to its last page. 


Helmut Scherzer – Security Analyst



Knowing Gideon and having the privilege to speak to him often, proves that the worlds smartest individuals tell stories in a fun and creative way. Gideon is not just a humble man, but beyond an intelligent man. What he has done for the cyber space is displayed through little nuggets and gems hidden throughout the book. His experience as a cryptographer is displayed by the detailed story in this thriller. I have to read this two or three more times!


Robert Torres,  Founder,  Millennials Digital



I read Gideon Samid’s book “The Cipher Who Came in from the Cold” with much interest. This fictional national security story is more than fictional. It is what the future of security would be like in the new world of cyber-attacks and cyber security. Not only the story is engaging, but the technology that is intertwined with the plot is even more interesting. I got the shudders so many times in the book. It managed to exceed my expectations AND be nothing at all like what I expected.


I recommend this book not only to cyber security experts but also to the general public at large – to see what the future holds for humankind. Physical wars morphing into cyber wars and this book shows there is hope for the good.


Mansour Aaron Karimzadeh,  Chief Technology Officer, Vality Corp.



“The  Cipher Who Came in from the cold” reads  as an education in Geo Cryptographic-Politics past present and future, with a twist of AI.  For if man is ever to encrypt and go ''Dark'' their bad intentions, then humanity's soul is doomed.


Paul James Gonzales


"A thoroughly enjoyable thriller on a relevant current topic. I highly recommend it."  

Steven Bernstein, Retired Foreign Service Officer



"Gideon is one of the world's leading experts when it comes to digital currency and cryptography. His work is always intelligent and insightful."


Steven M. Elefant, Soaring Ventures, “Tethered Money”



Digital currency is a hot topic these days, and I can’t think of a keener mind than that of Gideon Samid to examine it. Gideon has that rare gift-the ability to explain complex subjects so that just about anyone can understand them. 


John Stewart, Editor in Chief, Digital Transactions Magazine




“Gideon Samid's insights as an authority on the attributes of a transparent tethered currency model are compelling.”


Daniel Schwartz, AMIDEX35 Israel Mutual Fund, “Tethered Money”



Samid's work contains more than theories… I am looking forward to living in the world he describes."

Maryann M. Bullion, Esq. ”Tethered Money”




Gideon Samid exposes how cryptocurrency works as a system in concise and rigorous way.


Tetsuya  Saito, Nihon University College of Economics, “Tethered Money”


"Gideon provides a set of expansive and thought-provoking criticisms of both our present financial institutions and more our novel cryptography-based apparatus. Useful reading for anyone considering the technological, legal and social future of money, banking and finance."  


Gavin Wood, Ethereum, “Tethered Money”



Gideon Samid's latest book on Cyber Security in a 'must read' for both seasoned security professionals and novices caught in the 'Unending Cyber War.' The author employs an innovative approach to his book… this book is sure to live on… will provide high value to security professionals for many years to come… Insightful discussions unearth the mysteries of complex technological concepts, such as cryptanalysis and multi-layer cryptography, for both the layman and the security expert. Exploration of hacker motivations and modus operandi further expand the security professional's ability to effectively fight the cybercriminals off... All in all a comprehensive, engaging, readable, informative and dynamic piece of work that will give the 'good guys' the weapons and armor they need to win this war.



Avivah Litan, Vice President and Distinguished Analyst in Gartner Research, “The Unending Cyber War”.



The author communicates technical and security concepts in easily grasped terms. He wrote a compelling and understandable book 


Newsvine Magazine, “The Unending Cyber War”



This book by Samid is a timely and impressive contribution to the field of cost engineering. It is exceptionally well written and explained. The book is strongly recommended for use as a supplementary text by graduate students in cost engineering courses and also for use in business and industry by industrial engineers, project managers and other practitioners with responsibilities in any way related to cost engineering.  Readers with any level of background on this topic should find the book to be informative, interesting and useful.


Sal Kolli and R. Parsaei, University of Louisville, “Computer Organized Cost Engineering”



I enjoyed reading this book. And getting into the life of another person as they go through their own journey in life. Thought-provoking.  Highly recommended.


Ron Efron, Director at BluOcean Security; “Consequential Milestones in the Life of Samuel Soul (Part One: Sexual Milestones)”

Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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