AI Projection into the new year
Feeding AI with historic data, asking it to project into the year ahead.
Impacting the projection with focused questions.
I have trained our AI system ("Haifa") on the trends that evolved in America and the world for the last eight years, and unleashed her self correcting algorithms to lay out a prediction for 2023. The prime findings:
Greater misery in the 'Third World' will continue to destabilize the globe; debt will mount, require extreme actions. Tribalism will spread, belligerent nationalism will mushroom, and violent extremism will keep festering.
Haifa pointed out that much depends on the United States maintaining its status of the innovation hub for the world, generating enough innovation output to meet the waves of the challenges ahead.
The prospect of the US maintaining its vitality is in question. Congress is paralyzed in non conciliatory partisanship, creating a power vacuum which is filled in by millions of flooding immigrants, overreeaching Presidential executive orders, entrenched bureaucracy, a confused central bank, and a legislating supreme court. National attention is carried away by emotionally charged topics, draining attention from the foundational issues of survival: material sufficiency, an effective system of social justice, personal liberty, sense of dignity, as well as street and cyber security.
Yet, Haifa said, America is still the place where people have the courage and the initiative to come out of nowhwere and change the world, so look out for them, find them, join them. Unknown today --transformed into leaders in the immediate tomorrow. Young and old, all genders, transgenders, all races, all histories -- imagination empowered, turning America away from its Titanic prognosis, and carrying the rest of the world with it. These emerging leaders will meet a conservative stay-put wall, the odds are against them.
I asked Haifa what about the topics I push forward, and she said:
A well established person in the US will recognize the immense potential of the generic innovation engine, and will take the lead to put it forth so as to turn every ordinary person into a Leonardo Da Vinci and Thomas Edison.
A young man from up north will bring forth the foundational cyber freedom campaign, so every person, and every group of people will have their privacy and diginity zone -- to think, dream, exchange ideas without fear of exposure and shame. Privacy to explore unchartered terriotory, go astray, turn back, try again -- all in private mode, that is the womb were grand new ideas spend their pregnancy period. These grand ideas of tomorrow represent the only hope for humanty as it is facing an avalanche of megathreats.
The wholesome vison of No-Surveillence Digital Money will have a steep mountain to climb. Goverment, central banks, the bureaucracy, are salivating over total visibility of the public through traceable payments at any resolution. No Survellence Digital Money will score a few small successes, but will be far from winning the battle.
Haifa's summary was not very bright. I don't bring it here, but I weave it in with the 'Backwards' story that is fast approaching.
Personally I brace myself for this coming year as the year when more people will read and get to know my private passions, and intimate thoughts, as told in "Sexual Milestones in the Life of Samuel Soul", and I prepare myself to face angry chryptographers for bypassing their trade, as outlined in "The Cipher Who Came in From the Cold".
As to the Samuel Soul money solution -- looking for a moonshot search for an enterprising implementer.(level-demo@BitMint.com)
I wish good health for my close circle, my writer, his family and the people he cares for, and I hope to have free flowing conversations with you, my readers. There is so much out there waiting to be discovered, let's not tire, let's try, then try again! In 2023 and beyond.
December 29, 2022