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Bill Gates

A Man Who is Asked to Change the World -- Twice!

It is an honor to write to you, you are the great Bill Gates who led the computer desk-top revolution, turninng ordinary people into computer operators -- a job restricted before to a handful of computer scientists in white robs working on big blue machines in meticulously air-conditioned clean rooms.


You are such an obvious person of interest that I have come to apply my AI machine towards predicting your biography as it would be written in 2035 when you celebrate your 80th birthday. Feeding "Haifa" (the name of the machine) with everything publicly known about you, and 'cheating a bit' by injecting in priority mode my generic innovation engine, Haifa came up with a very interesting biography. Excerpts of which are here presented:


There are not many instances in history where a big youth accomplisher has returned to the scene on the end zone of his life and repeated the feat, but Bill Gates has certainly done it. In his youth young Bill put a practical tool for daily life management on the table of everyone; in his old age, Bill put a practical innovation engine for daily life innovation challenges on the table of everyone. It was Bill who checked out this obscure thesis by Samuel Soul where he asserted that there exists a large body of wisdom regarding the efficuency of the innovation process: rules and steps to be taken regardless of what is being innovated. Today, in hindsight, in looks obvious, but the reality is that Samuel Soul knocked on many doors with his half baked idea. His words were taken as a crafty attention grabber, their profound message ignored. So for years Samuel Soul was not able to ignite anyone's imagination. Bill was the first. He realized the social impact laden in Samuel's vision: making every Tom, Dick and Mary into a Leonardo Da Vinci, and Thomas Edison: allowing each of us to innovate in our own personal front -- generating a tsunami of innovation that washed away the daunting challenges threatening humanity, in particular Climate Change. Bill at a glance realized that his gloomy forecast for the unstoppable calamity of global warming, is fundamentally disrupted with this new powerful Generic Innovation Engine. '


Something in him returned to his early days at Microsoft. Only that now Bill had the money, and the power to recruit the best and the brightest. Within three years The Bill Gates Generic Innovation Institute put forth tools, procedures, software, and hardware designed to serve innovators and accelerate their performance. Bill's engine of innovation was installed on computers and workstations world wide. They acceelerated drug developmnet, climate change solutions, environmental pollution, energy issues, currency exchange issues, food and agriculture issue, and offered comfortable diginified life to a growing world population, which in turn bred new innovators every year -- empowered by AIAI: Artificial Intelligence Assisted Innovation -- keeping humanity on an upward track, until the shakeup described in "Backwards".


I feel I already know you, Bill! Beyond innovation, we may work together on the bigger crisis, described in "Backwards".


Let's talk soon,




Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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