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One of my earliest memories as a toddler is the ruins of a near-by house in Jerusalem, bombed by the Jordanian legion who laid siege on the City. I grew up surrounded by Holocaust survivors, people with ruined lives, and I soon realized that boys a bit older went to the army and did not come back. Soon enough I was in uniform myself, a field officer. It was when Israel fought for its survival, in 1973, and thousands of graves for young men filled the land. I found no satisfying answer to why this agony, pain and chaos is happening to people so good and worthy, so religious and dedicated, adhering to the Ten Commandments.


Seeking a solid unambiguous answer became the force that guided my life.


My search for a religious concept without fundamental conflicts was long and arduous, and is being told elsewhere. The ideas on this site represent the summary of my life long search for meaning and a religion to match.


A religion is a philosophy of life combined with a strong emotional component. We are given to logic and common sense, but we are emotional at the core, and both parts need a good framework, which is what a good religion provides. For me Religion21 is a good religion, so I present it here to be considered by my readers. I am trying to locate like-minded individuals with whom the imperatives of Religion21 can be articulated, practiced and projected to whoever wishes to come along.


My religion guides me, as any good religion should, to allocate my energy and attention in any direction in which I sense a kernel of talent and a road to contribution. That is how I find myself as an Innovation Science pioneer (, 40 US Granted Patents), a technology executive (BitMint), a science and technology teacher (academia, web, private lessons), a writer of nonfiction ("Tethered Money", "Computer Organized Cost Engineering", "The UnEnding CyberWar", "The Innovation Turing Machine"), and an aspiring literary author ("The Cipher Who Came in from the Cold", "Rabbi's Orders", "In Awe of Sexual Mystery") -- all guided and inspired by Religion21.


If my writing speaks to you, please initiate a contact.


Gideon Samid (

Innovation is our shared tool-box to fix what needs fixing in a very practical way.  But the very act of turning unknown into known is spiritually uplifting. Innovation is shaping up as the religion of the 21st century.

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